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ningbannermk2.jpg, an online virtual community for people of African descent and others interested in the Black Seventh-day Adventist experience.

Seventh-day Adventist Chat Channel

Maritime SDA OnLine - Includes both a chat area and forums, hosted by the Maritime Canada Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The Remnant Online - A moderated Seventh-day Adventist forum administered by Richard Myers who allows no attacks on individuals or on SDA doctrines, deleting posts that do not meet stated guidelines.

A Seventh-day Adventist Community for Members and Friends - enables members and friends to connect with academy and college friends, share ideas and concerns formally through stories, informally through chat, email and photo cards, and personally share through website listings.

Let's Talk:DIRECT LINE TO THE PRESIDENT: Do you have comments or questions for your church leaders? Its time to let your voice be heard! Your comments and questions go directly to a team located in the office of the president.Or just chat with your peers!