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Louis Torres -Sermons in Spanish

Ivor Myers:from AudioVerse

Stephen Bohr:Audio Downloads

Joe Crews:Audio Downloads

Steve Wohlberg:from presentruth

James Rafferty:from Presentruth

Ty Gibson:from Presentruth

Dany Hernandez:Dealing With Storms in Your Life

Doug Batchelor:Here We Stand:from Amazing Facts

Pastor Don Gettys:Stirrings in Orion

Charles D. Brooks
The Breath Of Life Crusade (1978)

1. When Will Earths Sickness Be Cured (Audio)

2. The Handwriting On The Wall (Audio)

3. Claimed and Kept (Audio)

4. Happiness For Husbands And Wives (Audio)

5. Can The Bible Be Trusted (Audio)

6. Gods Looking Glass (Audio)

7. When Grace Is A Curse (Audio)

8. The New Testament Sabbath (Audio)

9. The Gospel Of The Colors (Audio)

10. God In Bad Company (Audio)

11. What Was Nailed To The Cross (Audio)

12. Love And Duty (Audio)

13. The Unpardonable Sin (Audio)

14. What Happens When A Man Dies? (Audio)

15. Who Changed The Sabbath (Audio)

16. What Church Would Jesus Join... (Audio)

17. The Discipline Of Trials (Audio)

18. Lost In Church (Audio)

19. Bible Baptism (Audio)

20. Failing Desires (Audio)

21. Naaman The Leper (Audio)

22. Bloody Water, Boils & Blisters (Audio)

23. The Seven Seals Of Revelation (Audio)

24. The Man Who Robbed God (Audio)

25. The Two Preachers Who Quit Going To Church (Audio)

26. The Mark Of The Beast (Audio)

27. The Man Who Was Killed Trying To Help God (Audio)

28. Knock Out Your Eye, Cut Off Your Hand (Audio)

29. Christ The Open Way (Audio)

30. The Laughter of God (Audio)


Lonnie & Jeannie Melashank

Stephen Bohr-Mary Mother Of Jesus

Stephen Bohr-The Three Elijahs

Derek Morris:Immanuel 12/20/2008

Derek Morris:Why Study the Bible

Derek Morris:Tampering with God's Law

Derek Morris:Da Vinci Decoy

Jon Clark:Freedom In Jesus

Haulani Owens:Give Me Jesus

Walter R. Nelson:Jesus, Son of Man

Walter R. Nelson:Jesus,The Torn Veil

Walter R. Nelson:Jesus,Our Intercessor

Walter R. Nelson:Jesus,The Door of Salvation

Steve Arrington:Building a Christian Warrior

Real-Life Ellen White - This is a 7-hour seminar on Ellen White with Dr. George Knight and Dr. Jon Paulien held at the Paradise Adventist Church on January 11-12. This powerful seminar focused on two key questions: Who was Ellen White, and how do we use her writings in a biblical way?

George Knight:Meet the Real Ellen White

Jon Paulien:Ellen White for Adults

George Knight:Violence and the Red Books

Jon Paulien:Ellen White for Youth

George Knight:The Great Gulf

Jon Paulien:Truth and Post-Modernism

George Knight & Jon Paulien:Questions and Answers


Mark Finley:Jesus,The Almighty Conqueror

Mark Finley:The Gates of Hell Shall Not...

Mark Finley: Why the Doomsday Prophets Are Wrong

Mark Finley:Healthy Spirituality

Mark Finley:You Can Make a Difference

Mark Finley:God Still Moves Stones

Mark Finley:End-time Faith

Mark Finley:The Parable of the Wise Man and the Foolish Man

Love Comes Softly Box